Google’s Honeycomb 3.0 – the next Android

01 December 2010

PYB James

It seems like seconds ago that the release of the Android 2.3 for the Google Nexus S was announced, so it’s almost insane sounding to be talking about the Android 3.0 already. But here we are.

The Android 3.0, otherwise known as the Android Honeycomb (and for the less tech-savvy of you the Android is in short a mobile operating system taken on by Google in 2005), was introduced in a speech at the All Things Digital Conference. Still very much in the development stages, Mark Rubin, Google’s vice president of engineering, showed off a prototype of the Android 3.0 on a not-yet-announced tablet device produced by Motarola.

Details of this tablet and its features were frustratingly scarce, however a very basic interface was shown, as well as its lock screen, and there will be quick access to Google Maps. Of course this will be the newest version of Google Maps, of which the release was also announced this week.

Rubin also explained that with the 3D interface alludes to the 3D processing power and showed off how a new finger gesture will get the user to a view of Google Maps. In fact the device will have no physical buttons at all, no home button, no back button, nothing. All navigation is done through Honeycomb.

Somewhat tongue in cheek, Rubin then made a slight dig at their competitor- by stating that unlike the features of the iPad, this button-less feature will ensure users won’t get lost at the click of a button.

Looking set to be released in early 2011, the Google Android 3.0 tablet is on its way. With new upgrades developing at the speed of lightening, the Android is becoming a key player in the mobile phone world and its impact is huge. It’s definitely giving Apple and RIM a run for their money.