Assurant® Protect Your Bubble Website Privacy Notice

This Website (the "Service") is operated by Assurant General Insurance Limited, with mailing address of PO Box 98, Blyth, NE24 9DL, a member of the Assurant, Inc. group of companies (hereinafter, "We", "Us", or "Our"). Assurant General Insurance Limited is the data controller of your Personal Information in the context of the Service.

  • This Privacy Notice ("Notice") describes how We will process and protect personal information relating to an identified or identifiable individual ("Personal Information") when you use the Service, which allows users to purchase Our products, create an account, access policy documents and forms (for example, view policy terms and conditions, print certificates of coverage, print claims forms), submit claims, make payments, and contact customer support (for example, through the chat function on Our Website), and applies to your use of the Service.
  • We also use the Personal Information to provide Our insurance or product services to you, to communicate with you, and to track usage of the Service and Our products and services.
  • Your Personal Information shall be held and used in accordance with applicable legislation relating to the protection of Personal Information (the "Applicable Law").
  • Your Personal Information will be shared with other Assurant affiliates and service providers, some of which are located outside the EEA and are not subject to an adequacy decision of the European Commission.
  • Automated decisions may be taken about you, for example to determine your eligibility for Our products and services, the costs of our products and services and the viability of claims that you make under Our products and services (see "Automated Decision Taking" for further information).
  • Where We rely on your consent, such as for the placement of cookies and sending of promotional communications, you can withdraw this consent at any time.
  • This Notice sets out more details of this processing, including details of your data protection rights, such as your right to object to certain processing (see "Your Choices and Rights" for further information).

This Notice applies to the Service only and does not necessarily reflect practices with respect to information gathered through other services We offer or websites We operate or the collection of information through off-line means. To review the privacy practices of those other services, please refer to the policies provided in association with each.

1. Personal Information We Collect

We collect and use the following personal information from you as part of providing your Policy to you:

  • Name and contact details (e.g., postal address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, etc.);
  • Policyholder information (e.g., policy number, certificate number, billing and payment history, etc.);
  • Claims information (e.g., claim number, date of loss and reason, call history, loss details, Police reference number and supporting documentation, covered device information (including make, model, serial number, IMEI), etc.);
  • Records of any correspondence regarding any specific enquiry; and
  • Feedback that you provide on our services (including through customer experience surveys).

    You can choose whether or not you provide this information to us, but if you decide not to do so, we will be unable to provide services under this Policy to you.
    This information is intended to be used by Assurant General Insurance Limited for the following purposes:
  • Performance of our obligations under the Policy and provision of the benefits under this Policy and including claims management. We use your information for these purposes where necessary for the performance of your contract of insurance with us.
  • For statistical analysis, customer experience surveys (where permitted and in compliance with applicable laws), performing internal administrative functions, handling customer enquiries, managing customer relationships and evaluating the appropriateness of this Policy and its benefits. We use your information for these purposes where necessary for pursuit of our legitimate interests (monitoring and improving our offerings and our customer experience and administering our internal processes).
  • Risk evaluation and management (including operational risk), debt recovery, fraud and payment default prevention and evidence management. We use your information for these purposes where necessary for pursuit of our legitimate interests (protecting our business from fraudulent activity and recovering sums due).
  • Anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism efforts and sanctions screening. We use your information for these purposes where necessary for compliance with our legal obligations.

Personal information we may collect from our sources:

We also collect and use personal information about you from third parties. We will receive your name, contact information (including postal address and telephone number), customer number and policy information (e.g., level of cover), and bank account information (such as sort code and account number) from your bank or financial institution (through whom you have procured this insurance product) to enable us to administer and perform your contract of insurance with us.

We also receive information about you (relating to your identity and previous claims made) from fraud prevention agencies, financial institutions and similar organisations to help us to make decisions on insurance policies and claims for you; trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud and to manage your insurance policy and any claims; check your identity to prevent money laundering; and undertake additional fraud searches, where necessary in pursuit of our legitimate interests in protecting our business from fraudulent activity and recovering sums due.

We collect your Personal Information in the following situations:

When you Request a Quote

We collect Personal Information from you when you request a quote for our products or services through the Service. We ask you to provide information about yourself and your device (such as manufacturer, model, purchase date, and IMEI number).

When you Make a Purchase

We collect Personal Information from you when you make a purchase on the Service. To make a purchase through the Service, We ask individuals to provide Us with their full name, contact details (for example - postal address, telephone number, email address), banking information (for example – bank name, sort code, account number), date of birth and communication preferences.

When you Create an Account

We collect Personal Information from you when you create an account on the Service. To create an account on the Service, We ask users to provide Us with their full name, contact details (for example - email address), date of birth, security questions (for example – mother’s maiden name), password and communication preferences. We will also collect your Internet Protocol ("IP") address.

When you Submit a Payment

We collect Personal Information from you when you make a payment (for example - an excess payment). We ask you to provide Us with payment details: cardholder name, payment or debit card number, CVC, and expiry date.

When you communicate with Us or contact Us for Customer Support

When you contact Our customer support team through the chat function on Our Website or when you call Us (for example, when you enquire about the status of your account or claim), We will collect information that you provide to Us in your communications (such as the query or issue that you have raised, information relating to your device, information relating to your existing policy if you are communicating with Us about a claim, or payment card information if you are communicating with Us about premium payment). We will also collect your responses to surveys about Our products and services and the Service, if you choose to participate.

When you access the Service

We collect information about devices used to access Our Service and functionalities of the Service (such as the chat function). This includes IP address, operating system and version, browser used and version, language preferences, time zone, screen settings and site visited before arriving on Our Website. Additionally, We use cookies and similar technologies such as web beacons to collect information about how you use and navigate Our Service (for example, the pages that you view and links that you click). We use cookies to help Us recognize you, improve your experience, increase security, and measure use and effectiveness of Our services.

When you submit a claim

We collect information from you when you submit a claim. We may ask you to provide Us with information (for example – name, telephone number, address, delivery information) as well as details about the covered device or gadget (for example – manufacturer, make, model, colour, IMEI, unique serial number). If you submit a claim in respect of a device which has the same IMEI number as a previous claim, this will be flagged by Our fraud prevention database, which contains information (for example – name, contact information, address and IMEI) entered by Us, other insurers and fraud prevention agencies.

For more information about the cookies We utilize on the Service, please view Our Cookie Notice.

2. Purposes and Legal Basis for the Processing of your Personal Information

We process your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • To fulfil a contract, or take steps linked to a contract: this is relevant where you have entered into, or are taking steps to enter into, an insurance contract with Us, or where you submit a claim. This includes:
    • providing you with a quote;
    • providing the Service or amending the Service at your request;
    • verifying your identity;
    • processing your claim;
    • taking payment from you;
    • making reimbursement payments to you; and
    • communicating with you.
  • As required by Us to conduct Our business and pursue Our legitimate interests, in particular:
    • We will use your Personal Information to provide the Service and other products and services that you have requested, to communicate with you and to respond to any comments, queries or complaints you may send Us;
    • We monitor use of the Service, and use your Personal Information to help Us to track and analyse preferences and trends, evaluate possible new features, functionality and services, and improve Our Service.
    • We use Personal Information to help Us recognize you on the Service, improve your experience, increase security of Our networks and systems, and measure use and effectiveness of Our Service.
    • We use Personal Information you provide to investigate complaints received from you or from others, about the Service or Our products and services. We also use this Personal Information to track potential issues (for example, issues with fulfilment of services) and trends to better serve you;
    • We use Personal Information to make decisions about, and to effect, reorganizations or sales of all or part of Our business;
    • We monitor customer accounts to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, misrepresentation, or crime, in accordance with Applicable Law;
    • We will use Personal Information in connection with legal claims (for example, relating to denial of an insurance claim), compliance, regulatory and investigative purposes (for example, theft and fraud investigations) as necessary (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation);
    • We use Personal Information of some individuals to invite them to take part in market research and customer surveys; and
    • We use Personal Information to send you information about Assurant products and services, such as customer experience surveys (where your consent is not required).
  • Where you give Us consent:
    • We place cookies and use similar technologies in accordance with Our Cookie Notice and the information provided to you when those technologies are used;
    • We use Personal Information to send you information about Assurant products and services, special offers and similar (where your consent is required); and
    • On other occasions where We ask you for consent, We will use the data for the purpose which We explain at that time.
  • For purposes which are required by law:
    • In response to requests by government or law enforcement authorities conducting an investigation; and
    • Responding to complaints where We are under a legal or regulatory obligation to adhere to a complaints handling procedure.
  • Relying on Our legitimate interests
    • We have carried out balancing tests for all the data processing We carry out on the basis of Our legitimate interests, which We have described above. You can obtain information on any of Our balancing tests by contacting Us.
  • Withdrawing consent
    • Wherever We rely on your consent, you will always be able to withdraw that consent, although We may have other legal grounds for processing your data for other purposes, such as those set out above. Where you have given Us your consent, you can withdraw it by using the mechanism described to you at the time that your consent was obtained, or by contacting Us.

3.            Automated Decision Taking

In certain circumstances, decisions about you will be taken by solely automated means:

Providing you with a quote: Where you request a quote from Us for an insurance policy, such as for a gadget or mobile phone, information such as your current level of cover and your new gadget and/or mobile phone are processed to determine whether the requested changes can be made to your policy and, if so, whether an additional premium is necessary. The consequences of this automated decision taking will be that you are either denied from making the requested change, are permitted to make the requested change with a charge, or are permitted to make the requested change with no charge. If you do not agree with the result of a decision taken by solely automated means, you can request human review of the decision, express your point of view, and obtain an explanation of the decision and challenge it. If you wish to do so, please Contact Us.

4.            How we share your Personal Information

4.1    Our Affiliates

We will disclose your Personal Information to other Assurant group companies for the purpose of performing tasks that directly relate to the provision of the Service. For example, We may share your information with Our affiliates to service your account or claim (if you have an iPhone, We may use Our Assurant group company information systems to support sharing of your device IMEI with Apple, and may also share your name and contact details as necessary).

4.2   Our Service Providers and Partners

We employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate the Service (in particular, third parties assist Us with customer support, the customer chat function on Our Website, communications, audit, application or database hosting, development, logistics, payment processing, other insurance products (for example, reinsurers), and fraud detection and prevention. These third parties have limited access to your Personal Information to perform these tasks on Our behalf and are obligated to Us. The personnel of such third parties who use your Personal Information is limited to those individuals which are authorized to do so on a need-to-know basis and as necessary to provide these business services to Us. To fulfil your service your account or claim, We may share your name, contact details (including postal address, email address and mobile number), and IMEI of your covered device with the manufacturer. For example, if you have an iPhone, then We will share your device IMEI with Apple, and may also share your name and contact details as necessary. We do not authorize such third parties to disclose or use this Personal Information for other purposes.

4.3   Disclosure to Public Authorities

We may disclose your Personal Information if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of Our legitimate interests in compliance with Applicable Law.

4.4   Other Categories of Recipients

We may also disclose your Personal Information, usage information, and other information about you to parties acquiring part or all of Our assets, as well as to attorneys and consultants. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against Us, your Personal Information may be considered a company asset that may be sold or transferred to third parties.

5. Where your Data is Processed

In providing the Service, Personal Information may be transferred to, and processed in United Kingdom (UK), European Economic Area ("EEA") and United States of America.

Sharing Personal Information with Our affiliates involves transfers outside the UK and the EEA to the US. For example, if We share your data with other Assurant group companies to service your account, that data will be processed by Our affiliate located in the United States.

Sharing Personal Information with Our Service Providers and Partners may also involve transfers outside the UK and the EEA, to the US. For example, if We share your data with Apple Distribution International, that data will be processed and managed by Apple, Inc. which is located in the United States. Similarly, if you use the chat function available on Our Website, your Personal Information is transferred to Our service providers in the US.

Where Personal Information is transferred outside the UK and the EEA We will make sure it is protected to the same extent as in the UK and EEA. We will transfer Personal Information to a country with privacy laws that give the same protection as the UK and EEA, the adequate countries by decision of the EU Commission. We will ensure that appropriate Standard Contractual Clauses are in place for those countries with privacy laws that do not have adequate protection. We may also rely on our vendor’s Binding Corporate Rules.

To obtain a copy of the relevant transfer mechanism or additional information on the transfers, please address these requests to Us.

6. Your Choices and Rights

Click here to submit your privacy request:

You have the right to request access to, correction of, and deletion of your Personal Information, and to restrict the processing of your Personal Information, under Applicable Law. You also have the right to request a structured commonly-used and machine-readable copy of Personal Information that you have provided to Us for a contract or with your consent to another controller.

You may also object to Our processing of Personal Information in certain circumstances (in particular, where We don't need to process the information to meet a contractual or other legal requirement, or where We are using the data for customer experience surveying purposes (see section 2).

You can exercise any of your rights, or obtain other information, such as a copy of a legitimate interests balancing test, by contacting Us. In order to safeguard your Personal Information from unauthorized access, We may ask that you provide sufficient information to identify yourself prior to providing access to your Personal Information.

In certain situations, and subject to Applicable Law, We may not be able or obliged to comply with part or all of your individual requests. For example, We may not comply with an access request if doing so would reveal Personal Information about another person, or comply with a deletion request relating to information which We are required by law to keep or have compelling legitimate interests in keeping. Please note that We have the right to refuse requests which are manifestly unfounded or excessive (for example, due to their repetitive character).

If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to a data protection authority ('supervisory authority') where you live, work or where you believe a breach may have occurred.

To provide certain parts of the Service (for example - Purchasing a Product, Creating an Account and Making Payment), the provision of Personal Information is mandatory: If relevant data is not provided, then We will not be able to provide certain parts of the Service. All other provision of your information is optional. If you do not wish to provide optional information, then your experience on Our website may be less personalized.

7. Communications from Us

We communicate with you through email, SMS and the Service. We will send you service-related communications (for example, "Your device has been shipped"), marketing and promotional messages (with your consent if required) customer satisfaction and market research surveys.

You can change your email, SMS and contact preferences by contacting customer support. Opt out: You may opt out of receiving marketing and promotional messages from Us by using the opt out link in emails sent by Us or by replying "Stop" to text messages sent by Us to you or contacting customer support.  We will request your consent prior to sending you marketing and promotional messages, where required.

 Please be aware that you cannot opt-out of receiving service-related messages from Us.

8. Data Retention

We retain Personal Information you provide as needed to provide the Service. We may retain your Personal Information if retention is reasonably necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this Notice and Our Site Terms & Conditions. We may retain Personal Information for a limited period of time if requested by law enforcement. Our customer support may retain information for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis only, but We generally delete or de-personalize transaction-related data consistent with this Notice. Once Personal Information is anonymized, We may retain and use such information. Additionally, We maintain logs and backups for security, debugging, and site stability purposes for up to 30 days after your transaction has been completed.

We typically delete logs and other backup information through the deletion process within 30 days of your last activity, except as noted in Section 5. Where We process registration data, We do this for as long as you are an active user of Our Website and for 6 years after this. Where We process Personal Information in connection with performing a contract, We keep the data for 6 years from your last interaction with Us. We also retain communications that you send to Us (for example, via email and the chat functionality) for 6 years. Transcripts of communications sent via the chat functionality on Our Website are stored for 13 months.

9. Information Security

We have implemented safeguards designed to protect your Personal Information in accordance with industry standards.

We have measures in place to restrict access to Personal Information to those individuals whom We know have a valid business purpose to have access to such data. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards. We follow generally accepted standards designed to protect the Personal Information submitted to Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. We require those who provide services for Us and to whom We provide Personal Information collected through the Service to keep such information secure and confidential. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is totally secure. Therefore, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

10. Important Information

10.1   Minimum age

We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 18. You must be at least 18 years of age to use the Service.

10.2   Changes to this Notice

We may update this Notice from time to time. If We make any material changes to Our Notice, We will notify you by email or by means of a notice through the Service, or by other means prior to the change becoming effective, so that you may review the changes before you continue to use the Service. Please review changes carefully.

10.3   Contact Us

For customer enquiries, please contact Us at: Lifestyle Services Group Limited., PO Box 98, Blyth, NE24 9DL, or call us.

We welcome your questions or comments regarding this Notice. Please write to Our local office Assurant General Insurance Limited (an Assurant group company), Data Protection Officer, PO Box 98, Blyth, NE24 9DL, or call us, or send Us an email at You may also write to Us at Assurant Privacy Office, Post Office Box 979047, Miami, FL 33197-9047, USA.

Effective Date: 16th October 2024

Cookies Policy

Protect Your Bubble uses cookies other online tracking devices (such as web beacons, action tags, Local Shared Objects (‘Flash cookies’) and single-pixel gifs) all of which we refer to as ‘cookies’ for the purposes of this cookie notice, to help Us recognize you, improve your experience, increase security and measure use and effectiveness of Our website. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. We use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your device for a set period of time or until you delete them).

This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how to update your cookie preferences and further information about cookies.
This policy was last updates on the date that appears at the top of this page.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file (typically made up of letters and numbers) that is placed in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website.

Cookie information perform functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

We use the following cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary for our website to function and are always active. They help make the website usable by enabling you to navigate and access all areas of our website. We may also use these cookies to prevent fraudulent activity. Without these cookies the website cannot function properly.

Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how users use a website, for instance which pages users go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. These cookies don't collect information that identifies a user. The information these cookies collect is anonymous and only used to improve how a website works.

Functional cookies: These cookies allow a website to remember preferences (such as language or region) and offer improved and customized functions. The information that these cookies collect can be anonymous and they may not record your browsing activity on other websites.

Targeting cookies or advertising cookies: These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advert as well as help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The cookies are usually placed by third party advertising networks. They remember the websites you visit and that information is shared with other parties such as advertisers. For example, we use third party companies, such as Analyser, to provide you with more personalised adverts when visiting other websites.

Social Media Cookies: These cookies allow you to share what you’ve been doing on the website on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. These cookies are not within our control. Please refer to the respective privacy policies for how their cookies work.

Setting your preferences

Please note that restricting cookies may have a significant impact upon the functionality of our website.

You can change your cookie preferences at any time by selecting "cookie preferences" which can be found in the footer of this Website.

This Cookies Notice should be read in conjunction with Our Privacy Notice. If you have any questions or concerns about the Cookies Notice or its implementation you may contact Us.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about cookies or your privacy when using our website, please contact us at

Effective Date: 16th October 2024